Conferences & Events

The Moishe Postone Legacy Project intends to support conferences and events that engage with Postone’s ideas and legacy. If you are planning such an event, please be in touch. We may be able to help with organization and funding, and we are always happy to share announcements and help with publicity. Below you’ll find information on past conferences addressing Postone’s work. Please check our upcoming events page for new announcements and subscribe to the newsletter.

Past Events

2023 SSHA Panels

At the 2023 Social Sciences History Association conference, there will be three panels addressing “Moishe Postone’s Time, Labor, and Social Domination at 30.” Please find details below. 

Social Sciences History Association, 2023 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 16-19

Moishe Postone's "Time, Labor, and Social Domination" at 30 (1) 

Friday, November 17, 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM 

Chairs: William Sewell, University of Chicago; Tad Skotnicki, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Stacie Kent, Boston College, “Time, Commerce, and Social Domination”

Andrew Liu, Villanova University, “Surface and Deep Structure? Revisiting Postone and the History of the Neoliberal Era”

Andrew Sloin, Baruch College, City University of New York, “The Crisis of Fordism in the Eastern Bloc”

Moishe Postone's "Time, Labor, and Social Domination" at 30 (2)

Friday, November 17, 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Chairs: William Sewell, University of Chicago; Tad Skotnicki, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Christine Achinger, University of Warwick, “Postone and Adorno, an Unfinished Conversation"

Aaron Benanav, Syracuse University, “Freedom and Necessity in Postone and Beyond”

Tad Skotnicki, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, “Capitalist Totality and Forms of Explanation”

Moishe Postone's "Time, Labor, and Social Domination" at 30 (3)

Friday, November 17, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM

Chair: William Sewell, University of Chicago; Tad Skotnicki, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Alyssa Battistoni, Barnard College, “Where is Nature in Social Domination?”

Andrew Sartori, New York University, “Immanent Critique, Political Economy, and the Ambiguities of Historical Reference”

William Sewell, University of Chicago, “Abstraction, Consumption, and the Commodity Form”

Capitalism and Social Theory: A Conference for Moishe Postone

Sponsored by the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory, where Postone served as co-director, the conference brought together his friends, colleagues, collaborators, and former students.

University of Chicago April 12-13, 2019

Friday, April 12

Opening remarks, Lisa Wedeen (3CT)

9:00AM - 9:30AM


Panel 1

10:00 AM -12:00 PM

Chair: William Sewell

Martin Jay, “Postone and the Vicissitudes of Abstraction.”

Patrick Murray, “The Illusion of the Economic: Social Theory Without Social Forms.”

Robert Hullot-Kentor, “An Attenuated Glossary of Throttled Meanings”

Panel 2

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Chair: Lisa Wedeen

Bob Meister, “Moishe and Money”

Benjamin Lee, “The ‘Value’ of Derivatives”

Edward LiPuma, “Gifts and the Commodity”


Panel 3

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Chair: Stacie Kent

Aaron Benanav, “In What Sense Is the End of Work a New Beginning?”

Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff, “After Labor”

Geoff Eley, “Class Formation, Politics, and Structures of Feeling”


Saturday, April 13

Panel 1

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Chair: Jonathan Levy

Andrew Sartori, “Smith, Arendt, and the Possibility of Social Theory”

Eric Santner, “Marx and Manatheism”

Viren Murthy, “Beyond Particularity and Universality: Moishe Postone's Historical Time and Marx’s Jewish Question”


Panel 2

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Chair: Andrew Sartori

Neil Brenner, “Critical Theory and the Mutation of the Urban Question: Towards the Real Subsumption of the Hinterland?”

Andrew Sloin, “The Soviet Union and the Development of Global Capitalism”

Stacie Kent, “Commercial Circulation and Abstract Domination”


Panel 3

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Chair: Christine Achinger

Nancy Fraser, “Rethinking Socialism: An Expanded View”

Eli Zaretsky, “Capitalism and Time”

Craig Calhoun, “The End of Capitalism or Another Transformation?”

The Legacy of Moishe Postone

The Legacy of Moishe Postone: Teacher, Historian, Critical Theorist brought together Postone’s students from across the social sciences and humanities to celebrate and reflect upon his historical, theoretical, and pedagogical work.

University of Chicago February 15-16, 2019

Day 1: The Past & Legacy


9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Parker Everett

The Ideology and Practice of State-Centric Capitalism

9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Parker Everett, “The Antinomies of Space in State- Centric Capitalism”

Gregory D. Milano, “Corporatism as Otherness: Contra- Modern Fascist Productivism in the Roman Exhibition of 1942”

Jake Werner, “Japanese Imperialism in 1930s Shanghai: A Doomed Anticipation of Mass Society”

Jaewoong Jeon, “Japanophobia and Anti-Capitalism in Korea”


Postone, 1968, and Its Radical Critique

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Spencer Leonard, “The Marxist Turn as a Return to Marx: Nicolaus, Postone, and the Question of Marx’s Marxism in the 1970s”

Jason Dawsey, “Moishe Postone and Frankfurt am Main: Exploring the Origins of His Interpretation of Marx”

David Spreen, “Class War with a Map: Anti-Capitalism and Space”

William Marotti, “The Politics of Violence, Glue-Sniffing, and Liberation: Making 1968 in Japan”


Political Economy and the Writing of History

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Thomas Dodman, “Real Abstractions: On Tocqueville’s Grappling with Capital”

Robin Bates, “Contemporary Analyses of Capitalism, Proletarianization and ‘Primitive Accumulation’ in the Postrevolutionary French Imperial Plantation Zone, 1830-1848”

Benjamin Postone, “Postone and Race: The Commodity Form and 19th-Century Slavery”

Sean Forner, “Neo-Marxism, Post-Marxism, and Post- Idealist Intellectual History”


Postone and the Post Colonial

3:45 PM - 5:15 PM

Zeb Dingley, “Elements of Anti-Gikuyuism”

Dwaipayan Sen, “Office Hours with Moishe Postone: Time, Labor, and Social Domination and the History of Modern South Asia”

Bernard Dubbeld, “After Marxism: Reading Moishe Postone from Post-Apartheid South Africa”


Day 2: The Present & Future

Deindustrialization and the Making of City, Image, and Subject

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Richard Lloyd, “How Middle Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs: The New Bohemia and the Remaking of the Industrial City”

J. Dakota Brown, “Post-Fordism, Graphic Design, and ‘Premature Post-Capitalism’”

Hadas Weiss, “Human Capital and the Middle-Class Family”


Thinking Through Contemporary Politics with and Beyond Postone

11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Eilat Maoz, “Blaming the Victim: Projective Identification, Capital, and Postonian Lessons on Racism”

Andrew Sloin, “Bitcoin, the Flat Earth, and the Fetishes of Apocalyptic Capital”

Aaron Ansell, “The Rise of Brazil’s Extreme-Right: Thinking with the late Moishe Postone”

Bo-Mi Choi, “‘Fat Guys in Tutus,’ Or Gender, Moishe and the Commodity Form”


Contemporary Crises and the Critique of Political Economy

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Mark Loeffler, “On the Displacement of Labor and the Future of Work”

Charlotte Robertson, “Financialization and the Growing Anachronism of Value”

Joe Lough, “Marxist Economics: An Essay for Moishe Postone”

Ben Fong, “Capital Personified”


Migration, Rights, and the Dynamics of Capital

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracey Rosen, “Figures of Migration in Neoliberalizing Greece”

Lisa Simeone, “Real Things: Fetish and Token in Migrant Lives”

Robert Stern, “Superfluous Populations and the Future of Human Rights”

Fabian Arzuaga, “Adorno, Rubin, and the Superfluity of Labor”


Closing Remarks

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Robert Stern