
We hope to maintain a complete bibliography of Postone’s published work. If you know of any texts not listed here, please contact us.

2018. “Behind Our Backs: Moishe Postone on teaching social theory,” The Point, Oct. 22.

2018. “Critical Attempts: Moishe Postone on general education,” The Point, Oct. 9.

2018. “An Interview with Moishe Postone: Marx, Capitalism, and the Possibility of Activism today,” University of Chicago Philosophy Review, Sept. 13.

2016. “Conversa com Moishe Postone,” Verinotio - Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, October, No. 22

2016. “Work, time, and the working class,Workers' Liberty, Jun. 29

2016. “Insgesamt bin ich nicht allzu optimistisch,” Progress, Jun. 21.

2016. “Anti-semitism and reactionary anti-capitalism,” Workers' Liberty, Jun. 1.

2016. “An Interview with Moishe Postone: That Capital has limits does not mean that it will collapse,” Crisis and Critique, Vol. 3, No. 3.

2016. “Es geht um die Krise der Arbeit,” Jungle World, April 21.

2016. “Zwischen Mad Max und Marx,” ORF, April 6.

2014. “Habria que organizarse bajo una idea que fuese mucho más que la distribución colectiva de los bienes y servicios,” Encrucijadas: Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 8.

2013. “Estoy intentando recuperar un concepto de capital que creo que los movimientos sociales han perdido,” Diagonal, Feb. 2, 2013.

2012. “Para una teoria crítica del presente: En conversación com Moishe Postone sobre la nuevas lecturas de Marx, la crisis y el antisemitismo,” Constelaciones: Revista de Teoria Critica, No. 4.

2012. “Exigencies of Time: A Conversation with Harry Harootunian and Moishe Postone,” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, Vol. 38, No. 2.

2012. “Die Deutschen inszenieren such am liebsten als Opfer,” Konkret, Vol. 5, No. 12.

2012. “Sionismo, Antisemitismo e A Esquerda,” Sinal de Menos, No. 8.

2012. “Exigency of Time: A Conversation with Harry Harootunian and Moishe Postone,” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies Vol. 38, No. 2.

2012. “Von mysteriösen Mächten verfolgt,” Progress, Jul. 13.

2011. "Wir müssen die historische Dynamik des Kapitals ernst nehmen from Rethinking Marx Conference.

2011. “Kritika & Dogmatizem,” Tribuna, April.

2010. “Zionism, anti-semitism and the left,” Solidarity, Vol. 3, No. 166. (Reprint in krisis)

2009. “Labor and the Logic of Abstraction – an Interview with Moishe Postone,” South Atlantic Quarterly. Vol. 108, No. 2.

2005. “Interview de Moishe Postone,” Yarim, February.

2005. “Kapitalizmin Güncel Elestirel Teorisi,” krisis.

2000. “Über Kapitalismusanalyse und Antisemitismus,” Sozialismus, No. 9.