About the Archive

Moishe Postone’s papers are held at the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center at the University of Chicago. The archive comprises a range of materials, including manuscripts, notes, correspondence, clippings, and ephemera. The subject foci include Postone’s scholarship, teaching, political engagements, and administrative roles. 

It will be some time before professional archivists at Special Collections are able to fully process and develop an architecture for the collection. In the meantime, we have developed a detailed index of the papers. We intend for this to serve as a preliminary finding aid. If you are planning to visit the archive and would like to view the index, please inquire via the form on our Contact page.

The Moishe Postone Legacy Project hopes to offer a limited number of small travel fellowships for those who wish to work with the archive. For more information, please visit our Fellowships page. 

As we have been working through the Postone literary estate and preparing material for the archives, we also have been scanning select documents. We hope to share these on the website in the future, and you’ll find a small preview on the Archival Documents page.